Another good turnout for our November 3rd club night, with 26 members, three guests, and even a couple of bikes, on what was a miserable wet evening. Three new members signed up as well, and there were five apologies for abscence including me. And you had Friday November 5th free for your fireworks! Johns ride to Bungay on October 22nd had seven members, and Im sorry I couldnt make it. John was also good enough to lead a ride on the 9th of November which saw twelve of us leave the Alma for a mystery tour of the Tendring Peninsula, and it has to be said ,Johns knowledge of the area is amazing! Finishing in Clacton, it was good to see Mark Shreeve who rode down from Norfolk to say hallo. Thanks again to John. There was a concern over lunch about a six metre high tide forecast for Mersea Island, but I understand the Mersea contingent got home in time to safeguard the gold reserves. Our next club night will be on December 1st,and we would ask for those of you with Club Trophies to bring them along on the 1st. We hope to do a presentation for the new recipients at some point at the beginning of 2022. We will also try to arrange a "Thank the Landlord " evening in December as well. Keep an eye open for Colins e mails and this website for the latest information. Keep safe , Gordon
As you will have seen, there is a daytime ride on Friday 22nd, leaving The Alma at 10-30 with John Swan delving into the Suffolk countryside for a spot of Lunch. You will see that we have decided to postpone the presentation evening. With all the uncertainty,and exposing the club funds to deposits to secure the venues,later next year may be a better bet. I apologise for not taking a more active part in the club activities. I hope to get a trip into Suffolk in time for remembrance day. The next club night is November 3rd leaving the 5th free for some fireworks! Take care and keep safe. Gordon
There hasnt been a lot of activity after the September club night, except for Johns mystery tour which saw seven of us making an enjoyable ride to the Cafe 33, Stradishall. The Fish and Chip run never got past the planning stage so lets see if we can do something this month. The fuel shortage has been a bit of an issue over the last week, and I must say I wouldn't queue up to fill a bike! You may have seen in the e mails, that Dot is starting up the saturday lunches after a long break,so do let her know if you are going to the first one. Its October 23rd,at the Saracens Head, Newton Green. The next club night is October 6th and as well as discussing daytime rides, including a possible fish and chip run, there is talk of reviving our annual dinner and presentation evening, and your opinions are important. And as usual, any volunteers to help with the clubs activities will be gratefully recieved! Keep safe . Gordon
The daytime ride is tomorrow, 15th September , leaving the Alma at 10-30, for a mystery tour courtesy of John Swan. He assures us the venue will be open!. No news about the fish and chip run so anyone who fancys organising a ride ,please let us know! The copdock show is this coming weekend,and the Hadliegh Club and the Pre 65s will have stands. The Hadleigh Club were pleased with our support of their successful BBQ to raise funds for the BMF insurance. Keep safe , Gordon
Good to see so many of you at our September club night. We had 17 on the pre meeting ride, and apart from a bit of a problem at the back of the group,we all got back to the Alma in time for the meeting. There were 31 members and 5 guests at the meeting, and John Swan offered to do a daytime mystery tour on Wednesday 15th, details to be announced. Paul should be organising a fish and chip run, which may have to finish somewhere other than Mersea. Watch this web sight and your e mails for details. The call for a couple of volunteers to give us a hand with running of the club once again fell on deaf ears! I hope to see you on the events. Next Club Night October 6th, but no pre meeting ride. Keep safe ,Gordon
Just a quick update. The Shudy camp trip was enjoyed by a few of our members who attended. There is one more evening of music in September, but we must emphasise its a non section event, and if you are going ,to make arrangements among yourselves. Nine of us had an interesting trip to Diss, courtesy of John Swan, and an excellent lunch at our usual cafe stop, which was busy but they looked after us well. Unfortunately, the scrap yard was closed,and despite a few phone calls, no one could be found. Of course, some of us will remember that we have a bit of history of finding places closed on our ride outs! We will just have to have another go. Good to see Mark and Chris Mac there as well. I escorted Vic back to the A14, where he was able to get up to speed to be back in Harwich for meeting. It was my longest ride for a while,and while the old bike went well, I realised that I was a bit out of practice riding more than half an hour at a time. Which brings me to our next clubnight on September 1st, when the last pre meeting ride will leave the Alma promptly at 7pm,as its now getting towards being dark at 8. We will be looking for suggestions for a daytime ride for September, and hopefully get to Mersea, for fish and chips, while seeing for ourselves how the other half live. Looking forward to seeing you all. Gordon
It was so good to see you all at last nights club night.It makes all the hard work that has been put in to keeping things going throughout all this, worthwhile. There were 15 bikes on the pre meeting ride, and it would seem that the majority of you have mastered the drop off system. Its understandable that one or two newcomers hadnt grasped it but by the time we got back Im sure everyone had got the idea. As we get more numbers on a ride, its better to do that, than have people get lost. There were 25 members and three guests at the meeting,and good to hear a couple of them signed up. And a special vote of thanks to George, for liaising with the Alma, and for the landlord for having us. Due to popular demand, Julian has planned another ride to the Shudy Camps music evening on Friday 20th, departure time yet to be decided. Be prepared for some real riding! John Swan is going to lead a ride to Diss on the 25th. On the face of it its not an exciting destination, but I can assure you you will not be disappointed if you come along.We have been several times and I for one wouldnt miss it. Departure time to be decided. Paul has deferred his fish and chip ride untill September so details will be announced at our next club night, September 1st, which will be preceeded by a local ride out. I hope to see you at some if not all of these events. Keep an eye on this website and for Colins e mails for the up to date info. Keep safe , Gordon
Just a quick update on future events and clubnights. There is a ride out this Friday 30th, leaving the Alma at 10-30am, with a stop for lunch. George has booked the Alma for our August club night, Wednesday 4th,and there will be a ride before hand leaving the Alma at 7pm around the lanes. I am hoping we can continue with our day time rides in august, There should also be an evening fish and chip run with Paul. Any other contributions or suggestions always welcome. Gordon
Just a quick update on this mornings news! Steve Toy has agreed to take us on an evening ride on July 27th to pay a visit to the Hadleigh club night. As you may be aware, several of us belong to both clubs. Details will be sent out as usual. Because of that, my daytime ride will be moved to July 30th, leaving the Alma at 10-30, destination yet to be decided! I hope to see you all at both! Gordon
It was good to see you all at our July clubnight. Because of the football, we did consider postponing it, but decided that it was our designated night and we should carry on. The Alma were very accomodating, and with an attendance of 26,(27 if you count my contribuition) Im pleased we went ahead. About ten or so of us had a ride around the lanes before the meeting, and it was very encouraging to see the enthusiasm for this hasn't diminished. I gave my old bike a run out, and I apologise for the signalling at the junctions! In our task of moving back to how things used to be, I am planning a daytime ride on the 27th, leaving the Alma at 10-30am. Im looking for places we can turn up at without causing too much fuss for a spot of lunch. There will be a fish and chip run to Mersea courtesy of Paul, at some point,and the trip to the music venue with Julian and FD was very popular and we hope to repeat that before long. Any suggestions for future visits are always welcome. Hope to see you again soon. Gordon
Just to confirm that the next club night is on July 7th at the Alma. George has arranged the evening with the Alma. There will be a premeeting ride leaving the Alma at the landlords request at 7pm. I hope to organise a daytime run in the last week in July. In the mean time if anyone has a ride they would like to share, please let us know.
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