Just a quick update. The Shudy camp trip was enjoyed by a few of our members who attended. There is one more evening of music in September, but we must emphasise its a non section event, and if you are going ,to make arrangements among yourselves. Nine of us had an interesting trip to Diss, courtesy of John Swan, and an excellent lunch at our usual cafe stop, which was busy but they looked after us well. Unfortunately, the scrap yard was closed,and despite a few phone calls, no one could be found. Of course, some of us will remember that we have a bit of history of finding places closed on our ride outs! We will just have to have another go. Good to see Mark and Chris Mac there as well. I escorted Vic back to the A14, where he was able to get up to speed to be back in Harwich for meeting. It was my longest ride for a while,and while the old bike went well, I realised that I was a bit out of practice riding more than half an hour at a time. Which brings me to our next clubnight on September 1st, when the last pre meeting ride will leave the Alma promptly at 7pm,as its now getting towards being dark at 8. We will be looking for suggestions for a daytime ride for September, and hopefully get to Mersea, for fish and chips, while seeing for ourselves how the other half live. Looking forward to seeing you all. Gordon
It was so good to see you all at last nights club night.It makes all the hard work that has been put in to keeping things going throughout all this, worthwhile. There were 15 bikes on the pre meeting ride, and it would seem that the majority of you have mastered the drop off system. Its understandable that one or two newcomers hadnt grasped it but by the time we got back Im sure everyone had got the idea. As we get more numbers on a ride, its better to do that, than have people get lost. There were 25 members and three guests at the meeting,and good to hear a couple of them signed up. And a special vote of thanks to George, for liaising with the Alma, and for the landlord for having us. Due to popular demand, Julian has planned another ride to the Shudy Camps music evening on Friday 20th, departure time yet to be decided. Be prepared for some real riding! John Swan is going to lead a ride to Diss on the 25th. On the face of it its not an exciting destination, but I can assure you you will not be disappointed if you come along.We have been several times and I for one wouldnt miss it. Departure time to be decided. Paul has deferred his fish and chip ride untill September so details will be announced at our next club night, September 1st, which will be preceeded by a local ride out. I hope to see you at some if not all of these events. Keep an eye on this website and for Colins e mails for the up to date info. Keep safe , Gordon
Just a quick update on future events and clubnights. There is a ride out this Friday 30th, leaving the Alma at 10-30am, with a stop for lunch. George has booked the Alma for our August club night, Wednesday 4th,and there will be a ride before hand leaving the Alma at 7pm around the lanes. I am hoping we can continue with our day time rides in august, There should also be an evening fish and chip run with Paul. Any other contributions or suggestions always welcome. Gordon
Just a quick update on this mornings news! Steve Toy has agreed to take us on an evening ride on July 27th to pay a visit to the Hadleigh club night. As you may be aware, several of us belong to both clubs. Details will be sent out as usual. Because of that, my daytime ride will be moved to July 30th, leaving the Alma at 10-30, destination yet to be decided! I hope to see you all at both! Gordon
It was good to see you all at our July clubnight. Because of the football, we did consider postponing it, but decided that it was our designated night and we should carry on. The Alma were very accomodating, and with an attendance of 26,(27 if you count my contribuition) Im pleased we went ahead. About ten or so of us had a ride around the lanes before the meeting, and it was very encouraging to see the enthusiasm for this hasn't diminished. I gave my old bike a run out, and I apologise for the signalling at the junctions! In our task of moving back to how things used to be, I am planning a daytime ride on the 27th, leaving the Alma at 10-30am. Im looking for places we can turn up at without causing too much fuss for a spot of lunch. There will be a fish and chip run to Mersea courtesy of Paul, at some point,and the trip to the music venue with Julian and FD was very popular and we hope to repeat that before long. Any suggestions for future visits are always welcome. Hope to see you again soon. Gordon
Just to confirm that the next club night is on July 7th at the Alma. George has arranged the evening with the Alma. There will be a premeeting ride leaving the Alma at the landlords request at 7pm. I hope to organise a daytime run in the last week in July. In the mean time if anyone has a ride they would like to share, please let us know.
As you will have seen from Colins e mails there was a well attended ride out to Littley Green, led by the intrepid Chris Mac, who had already done quite a few miles to get to the Alma for the start. I understand it was a good ride and a fitting start to our season of regular rides. I hope to get one organised for July. Julian has organised a ride for this Friday evening, 18th, leaving the Alma at 5pm, but as I write the weather forecast doesnt look too good so watch your e mails for the latest info. Our next club night on July 8th will follow the same format as last month. There will be a pre meeting ride leaving at 7pm from the Alma, not Church Lane! I hope to see you there .Gordon
After months of inactivity, we finally managed our first club night for nine months on June 2nd. George did a grand job of negotiating with the Alma and we had a dedicated seating area and the car park reserved for the bikes. We had a good turnout with 23 members, 3 guests and 21 bikes, which made a good show in the car park. some of us had a short ride around the local lanes and I hope I found some that you hadn't travelled lately. Im sorry I didnt stay for the meeting, but I think Colin explained. I understand that we also gained a new member. Julian proposed a ride on June 19th so if you are going let us know asap. Keep an eye on your e mails for up to date information. Lets hope we get back to a bit of normality in July. The next clubnight is July 7th . Gordon
Those of you on Colins E mail list will have seen we made our first club foray of the year to Shotley Marina. Nine of us left the Alma/Church Road at 10-30, and followed a devious route to Shotley arriving just before twelve. Jim and Gordon B joined us to make a total of eleven. There was a lot of catching up to do, and I for one was relieved that we had managed to get out for a ride at long last. The cafe had a very good system for drinks and food,even if it was a bit pricey. But it all felt quite safe. I must apologise to Tony C for not thanking him for helping me out a few weeks ago. My excuse is that it was the excitement of the occassion! I shall make sure I buy you a pint on Wednesday. One good thing about starting at the Alma ,was that the landlord was there and he was very pleased to see us, and promised to clear the car park for us next Wednesday for our first club night since August 2020! I have to say he was very upbeat considering all he has had to put up with over the last year or so. He wants us to put on a good display so I hope we can have a good turnout and give him our support. There will be a short ride around the lanes before the meeting , leaving Church Road at 7pm. Colin and I are looking forward to a day out marshalling at the Pre 65 scramble at Marks Tey tomorrow, May 30th. Its open to the public. Looking forward to seeing you all on June 2nd. Gordon
Sorry we had to call off the run today, Friday May 21st, but the weather forecast was bad and I felt it would be too risky in the wind. I was so disappointed,and had spent thursday checking the bikes! We will have another go next Friday 28th, same time ,same place . See you there.Gordon
Just a quick update on forthcoming events. We have decided to arrange ride as a tribute to Andy Wood, as suggested by some members, and we will meet at the Alma , 10-30 am on Friday 21st May. We will ride to Shotley for a spot of lunch. Clearly we will be observing all the rules,and expect you all to do so. The funeral will take place at Colchester Crematorium on Thursday 13th, and for those wishing to ride behind the hearse, it will be leaving 12, Cedar Avenue ,Brightlingsea at 2-00pm . All being well, we hope to resume our club nights at the Alma in June,and we will let you know the arrangements nearer the time. Gordon
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