You should have all had an e mail from Colin regarding the club night. After considering all the implications for ourselves and The Alma we have reluctantly decided to postpone the club night until June. This is not something we wanted to do, but after contacting the BMF for advice, together with info from other bike and car clubs, we decided that it was for the best. My local car club has arranged our first potential lunchtime meet on June 24th.Bernie said that the Yamaha club even thought that six going for a ride together wasnt right. Interstingly I couldnt find any advice on the parent club website. The BMF also said that the insurance was subject to covid compliance. We dont want anyone to get into trouble. Were we all to turn up at the Alma by car then the chances are no one would bat an eyelid. However turning up on bikes would be a bit of a give away, and we all know that motorcycles arent welcomed by everybody! There are enough irresponsible and noisy bikers around to keep that going, even if we are not part of it. So lets hope things relax a bit more over the next few weeks so we can have a get together in June. In the mean time , keep sending in your stories and pictures to Colin, and rest assured we are doing all we can to get back to normal activities, as soon as possible. Gordon
We hope to resume our club nights starting on May 5th, subject to the relaxing of the rules on April 26th. The Alma will be pleased to see us but we will need to know the numbers attending so they can comply with the rule of six for the catering outside. Please contact us if you will be attending. The rides will also have to comply with the rule of six, so if you want to arrange a ride before hand with some mates, that would be best. For those of you without mates, I will try and organise a route for groups of six,and again please let us know if you want to join me or a n other on that. Please be aware the rules may change at any time. Keep an eye on the website for the latest information. I have fuelled up my bike in anticipation! Gordon
Just to keep you all up to speed with what may be possible before too long. The latest BMF advice is to stay at home except for essential travel. You may have seen that the BMF and several other biker groups have got together to present a united front to lobby government on our behalf. We must keep that going because we could easily get marginalised by all this driverless vehicle legislation for example. With drivers not seeing us coming, just imagine a driverless vehicle coming for you! We are keeping in touch with the Alma, and if the situation with the pandemic improves as anticipated we may be able to arrange similar events to those we managed in July and August 2020. It obviously depends on the government guidelines, and we must stick to the rules. There are plenty of bikers about who are not, without us joining in! Take care and keep those bikes ready to go. Gordon
At last there looks to be some light at the end of the tunnel. Mind you its about as bright as a Joe Lucas headlight, and still a long way away. There has to be some optimism that we might get back to some club activity this year,and of course we will keep you up to date with what is going on. Restrictions may well start to be relaxed if things go to plan. The BMF website is keeping absolutely up to date with riding advice,so do keep an eye on that. Its clear that while clubs like ours are sticking to the rules, there are a lot of "essential journeys " being undertaken by motorcyclists, especially when the sun comes out! Im sure im not the only one who feels the urge to go for a blast now and again, but so far ive resisted it! And a bike is not my first vehicle of choice for a spot of shopping! Anyway, lets hope for the best and that we might be able to get together before too long. Make sure your bikes are ready! Gordon
With the present situation unlikely to improve in the short term, the prospect for any club activities isnt looking very promising. However, those of us keeping things going have all had the jab, so all things being equal, you will have to put up with us for a bit longer! Volunteers of course are as usual, very welcome! We will do our best to make sure we are ready when the time comes for a bit more freedom. George is keeping in touch with the Alma, and lets hope they can keep going. Remember you can keep up to date using the AJS and Matchless club website, the BMF website,and of course ,this one. Keep you stories coming into Colin. There has been some cracking photos,and tales so far so keep them coming. Looking forward to better times in the next few months. Gordon
Im afraid there isnt much good news on the biking front to report. The provisional MotoGP calendar is out with the British round at Silverstone on August 29th. If it works out I definitley shall be going. Our little place in Spain is equidistant from Barcelona, Arragon,and Valencia, and Ive only made it to Arragon to see MotoGp once and Barcelona for F1 once. I wish I had made more effort to do the others,and will definitley do so if the situation arises in the future. The WSB calendar has also been published,so at least we will get some racing to watch on TV. I dont know if the off roaders have any information about events coming up for this year. If anyone has any Info ,please let me or Colin know. I understand that some of our Elders have had their first vaccine jab, while some of us youngsters are still waiting! Lets hope we all get a go before too long. In the mean time keep sending articles etc into Colin, because he has finished stacking the gold under his drive,and is at a loose end. There have been some very interesting bikes and its good to see something bike related among all the other e mails. The latest one of the BSA winged wheel brings back a few memories. My brother in law had one and delighted in running it up and down the village street minus the silencer! Kepp looking after those bikes. Keep safe Gordon
Happy New Year to all our club members. Lets hope we manage a bit more riding this year. One thing about a club with an aging membership,(well some of us), is that we should be shuffled up the list for a vaccine injection! Mind you if the Governments record so far is anything to go by, dont get too excited! The present level of restrictions doesnt leave a lot of scope for riding,although you could argue that its exercise for the brain,as you anticipate what every car driver is likely to do next! Or you could claim you are giving yourself an eye test! Having roared around in the sixties with a pair of empty gold star silencers on my bike, I feel a bit hypocritical complaining about the noise of some bikes,but Im sure some of them must swap exhaust systems to pass the MOT! Eventually I discovered, noise doesnt translate into performance,and certainly not these days,and the noisy ones are often the gutless ones that take an age to get out of earshot! All this standing about doesnt do the bikes a lot of good,and the batteries can be a problem as Im discovering. Electric starting is a boon when it works! BMW has a dedicated socket for a trickle charger, Honda has a dismantling job to get to the battery. Guess which one is a pain! Just to repeat, we have renewed our membership of the BMF so do keep up to speed with their website,and there are discounts available to members,(contact me for our clubs code). It also means that we are covered by insurance for club rides for 2021, when we do get out of all this. George is keeping in touch with the Alma. Colin is still looking for content for the weekly e mail spot,so do send stuff in for circulation. Keep your eye on this website for the latest news. In the mean time, keep safe, get that vaccination, and lets get out riding as soon as we can. Gordon
As I write, they latest news on the restrictions and the virus mean that this Christmas is not going to be anything like we have seen before. In anticipation of light at the end of the tunnel for 2021, we have renewed our BMF membership, so do make use of their website to keep up to date with recommendations. In the mean time, keep those bikes ready to go. We would like to extend our good wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year. Gordon, Colin and George.
With the latest restrictions,and the advice from the BMF, its not looking like a very promising end to 2020 for those of us who like to keep riding.The year started quite normally, with the weather being the only stumbling block as far as riding was concerned, and we did manage a few normal club nights before the March lockdown hit us. We were not alone as many clubs faced the same issues about meeting and travelling. Clearly clubs could not encourage any rule breaking. We were lucky that our host at the Alma made a lot of changes inside and out,and when the restrictions eased we were able to hold our August and September clubnights within the rules and they proved to be popular. Thanks to some local knowledge,we were able to have a socialy distanced fish and chip run to poverty island on a lovely evening. Colin worked hard to keep a weekly newsletter on e mail during the first lockdown,and how revealing it turned out to be! Im not sure my mother would be happy with me mixing with some of you! With material drying up ,Colin has had to reduce the frequency of these messages so if you have anything interesting that you want to tell us ,do get in touch.I have tried to keep the website up to date,as well as the section notes in the jampot,and I hope to continue to do so. Dont forget there is a 2021 club calendar available, thanks to Kevin, and if you want one contact Colin. So far there has been no response to the photo competition so it may have to be abandoned,along with the rest of the awards for 2020. However it is a good time to thank Colin for all his work during the year in trying to keep us all in touch. The BMF has been active throughout the year,and we have been able to keep up to date with the official recommendations for riding etc,within the rules. We will be renewing our section membership this month, in anticipation of a more active year in 2021. We need to support them all we can as they keep the motorcyclist at the forefront of the political agenda, and make sure that we can keep using the road. While its clear that the governments plan to stop the sale of cars with internal combustion engines is cloud cuckoo land without building any new power stations, there will be implications for motorcycles as well at some point. According to the FBHVC, there are 1.5 million historic vehicles registered in the uk, worth £7.2 billion to the economy, and we motorcyclists are part of that. We dont want to be forced off the road on the whim of some unelected political advisor who doesnt like motorcycles! In the mean time, lets hope that the situation improves in the next few months so that we can start to enjoy our bikes by riding together and meeting up for a good yarn in 2021. I am looking forward to that. Keep safe. Gordon
Just a quick update on what's going on,or not,as the case may be. The BMF ,as members of COMO,( Coalition of Motorcycle Organisations), have issued some guidance on riding, and can easily be found on their website. Its common sense really,and its a pity that some of the hooligans who are still roaring about on noisy gutless machines cant read it, for some of the other advice. They certainly dont do the rest of us any favours! On a brighter note, Kevin has very kindly agreed to sort out a calendar for us for 2021. Just order one from Colin, and Kevin will arrange for one to be posted to you. Each one will cost £5 to get to you so if you feel like paying £6, the club will benefit as well! And lets hope we can get some rides and visits on it next year. Some nice bikes and maybe a familiar face? We havent had too many photographs sent in so far so if you want to get your name on what may be the only trophy awarded for 2020, nows the time to get them sent in Please send them in online, to Colin,and we will decide which one is the best, at the begining of the year. We would like to know what you think of what we are doing for the club, and if you have any ideas of what else we can get up to, within the rules. Gordon
I was hoping that we wouldnt be reporting more restrictions,but it clear that enough people havent been keeping to the rules. It means that we cant realistically do anything as a club for the time being. In the mean time we will try to keep in touch via this website and e mails. The air ambulance run couldnt take place this year and they came up with a scheme for bikers to register,and do a run on their own , for a donation to the funds. I had a go, and while I didnt go far, the event was hailed a success, and over 600 riders took part and raised over £16,000. The club continues to support the air ambulance via its monthly lottery, and if we win anything it goes back to them. It doesnt look likely that we will be running an awards evening any time soon , but we may be able to do something on line, and at least entries for the photo competition can be submitted. The pre 65 scramblers are riding today, November 1st, without spectators,their last outing for 2020. Good to see Johnathan Rea has won the WSB for the sixth time,although the BBC didnt bother to mention it! Moto GP hasnt been quite the same without Marques senior. Do contact us if you have any tales to tell or just to have a yarn. Gordon
- Update 2 October 2020
- Latest News September 29th
- PS
- September 2020 update 2
- September 2020
- PS August 31st
- Latest News August 31st
- Latest news August 2020
- Bike Ride Details Friday 14th August
- August Update 2 ,2020
- August 2020 Latest Update
- July Update 2 2020
- July 2020 update
- Update 2 June 2020
- June 2020 Update 1
- May Update 2
- May 2020
- April Update 2020
- April Update 2020
- March Update 4
- March 2020 update
- March Update 3
- March PS
- March Update 2020
- February update 2020
- Update February 2020
- February 2020 update
- January 2020 update
- December 2019 Update
- Update November 2019